PoliteMail Training
Welcome to the PoliteMail training portal. This portal is intended to be used by PoliteMail customers and offers step-by-step tutorials on how to most effectively use the software. If you have not been given a login please get in touch with your customer service representative to get full access to the course so you can start getting the most out of PoliteMail for a brighter Outlook!
Important Notes
- 1. Trainings are not mobile-responsive at this time. Please view the training on your desktop device.
- 2. The training is hosted at www.outlookemaildesign.com. Please make sure this website is added to your trusted sites.
- 3. If the training window appears too big for your screen, use your browser’s zoom in or zoom out feature to adjust it.
- 4. If you are using a VPN, please try accessing the training without it
- 5. If you are still experiencing problems, please reach out to Alisa Carbone at alisa.carbone@politemail.com